LabReach – What’s New May 2024


Product news

At X-Lab we are constantly developing our electronic order comms for remote requesters that sit outside of mainstream healthcare networks (e.g. occupational and sexual health, prisons, etc.). Take a look at our latest product developments below.

Complex ordering: panels

Select a panel of tests with one click on the “Test Selection” page.

To simplify the ordering process for requesters, we’ve added the ability to select a panel of tests with one click on the Test Selection page.

Individual tests in the panel can subsequently be removed (or re-added) as necessary. Panels are configured for requesting sites in the LabReach Admin app.

Try our interactive demo

Onboarding self serve: Lab admin for sites and site users

Add new requesting sites and site users, and set up tests yourself.

Note: the interface below is different, since it is for laboratories.

In order to allow labs to manage the requesting site onboarding process, we’ve added a new user type and permission set called Lab Admins.

Lab Admins can:

  • Add and manage requesting sites
  • Add and manage requesting site users
  • Create site diagnostic configs from existing catalogues
  • Configure “Create Order” fields

Specimen booked status

Let requesting sites know that you have booked in their tests.

When an order’s specimens have been booked in at the lab’s specimen reception, the order status now updates to “Booked” (or, if only some of the specimens have been booked in, “Partially Booked”).

This allows requesters to more accurately track the status of their order.

Interested in seeing LabReach in action? Try our interactive demo for requester sites ↓

Book a live demo

Article authored by:
Adam Yates

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